Making Space For The Environment

Climate Action + Lunar Exploration

Love it or hate it, a new era of Lunar exploration is here. Join the conversation and influence its unfolding.

At the start of this new venture of a permanent presence on the Moon, we aim to stimulate the alliance of Earth and Space environmentalists. Together, let’s take a hard look at the ramifications of exploration and utilization of the Moon and create a roadmap to ensure this movement off world truly is of benefit for Earth and all Humankind.

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Climate Action + Lunar Exploration

Expert Panels

  • Earth+Lunar Science
  • Environmentalism
  • The Space Industry
  • First Nations
  • Policy+Law
  • & You
Virtual Event


@9am PDT /12pm EDT/ 6pm CEST

With global interest in Lunar exploration and utilization, we need to start to clearly define the modus operandi for activities on and around the Moon. The Moon Village Association has initiated the Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA). This group published a report that has inspired the United Nations to start this important discussion.

Now is the time to define how to protect lunar environment and its link to the Earth environment.


We share the mission to cultivate meaningful conversations for all stakeholders towards creating a roadmap to truly sustainable lunar exploration.

Two Expert Panels

The Moon was once part of Earth, and it’s continual influence on our biosphere is undeniable. The cross influence between Lunar Exploration and Climate Change will be discussed for the first time.

What is “The Environment” in this New Space Age?

  • What is the science of an integrated Earth - Moon System?
  • How is the lunar and cis-lunar environment fundamentally different from Earth?
  • Will Space/Lunar exploration harm the Earth? Is it already?
  • What must be considered to preserve the “Lunar environment, including sites of special scientific interest and Heritage”?
  • What is being taken for granted, and not included in the current Lunar exploration plans?

Discussion / Break

Can Lunar exploration help mitigate the Climate Crisis?

  • What are some tangible potentials of a technology revolution spurred by a sustainable Lunar settlement?
  • How might a policy and legal framework focus Lunar ambitions for sustainability?
  • What voices or perspectives are not being considered in the current regime and plans?
  • Can we anticipate the power of changing perspectives via the Overview Experience as more people leave Earth?
  • Is a holistic and inclusive approach to Lunar settlement planning possible?

Followed by 1/2 hour Open Discussion with you.

Justin Ahasteen


Justin Ahasteen is Bilagáana (white) born for Tótsohnii (Big Water). His maternal grandfather is Bilagáana and his paternal grandfather is Kiisʼáanii (Hopi). Originally from White Cone Arizona, he is currently the Executive Director of the Navajo Nation Washington Office, leading the Navajo Nation’s Infrastructure, Veteran Affairs, Social Services, Health, and Public Safety portfolios. He is a decorated Marine Corps veteran, earned a Bachelor’s in Justice Studies Minoring in Public Administration, and is currently a candidate for a Master of Legal Studies in Indigenous Law with the University of Oklahoma.

Dr Alice Gorman


Dr Alice Gorman is a space archaeologist and author of the award-winning book Dr Space Junk vs the Universe: Archaeology and the Future, which examines the artifacts of human encounters with space. She is also a heritage consultant with over 30 years experience working with Indigenous communities in Australia. Gorman is a Vice Chair of the Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities and a Fellow of the Outer Space Institute. Asteroid 551014 Gorman is named after her.

Dr Jean-Claude Worms


Dr Worms is the Executive Director of the international Committee for Space Research. COSPAR was created in 1958 to promote international research in space and provide a forum to all space scientists, regardless of geopolitical differences. He holds a PhD in physics, astronomy and space science from the University Pierre et Marie Curie. Backed by 30+ years practiced experience in science and science management and over twenty-five years of experience in international space research projects, he was previously Chief Executive of the European Science Foundation (ESF).

Dr Namrata Goswami


Dr Namrata Goswami is an author, professor and consultant specializing in space policy, international relations and ethnic identity. She has been a Research Fellow at institutions in India, Norway, Australia, Germany, the United States, and was a Fulbright Senior Fellowship Awardee. She co-authored Scramble for the Skies: The Great Power Competition to Control the Resources of Outer Space (2020) and authored The Naga Ethnic Movement for a Separate Homeland (2020). She is currently working on two academic book projects, China’s Grand Strategy and Notions of Territoriality and Spacepower Theory and Practice: Case Studies of U.S. China, India, Russia and Japan.

Dr Aaron Boley


Aaron Boley is an associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia. His research explores a wide range of topics, including planetary dynamics, astrophysical discs, meteoritics, space sustainabilityand security, and space policy. Before joining the faculty at UBC, Boley was a NASA Sagan Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Florida and a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich. He is the Co-Director of the Outer Space Institute and co-author of Who Owns Outer Space? International Law, Astrophysics, and the Sustainable Development of Space.

Alvin D Harvey


Alvin Donel Harvey is of the Tó-baazhni'ázhi (Two Who Came To the Water) clan and born for the Honágháahnii (One-walks-around) clan. He is a MIT PhD candidate in the Aeronautics and Astronautics department’s Human Systems Lab and president of the MIT Native American Student Association. Harvey’s PhD focuses on Indigenous Research Methodologies and Methods in Aeronautics and Astronautics. Prior work includes research in partial gravity biomechanics, applied thermodynamics, and extensive historical research examining cases ofconflict between Indigenous Nations and space agencies and entities. Harvey recently authored the Nature article, Stop Sending Human Remains to the Moon.

Dr Claire Nelson


Recognized as a White House Champion of Change, Dr Claire Nelson is Ideation Leader of The Futures Forum and Sagient Futures. She speaks on issues pertaining to economic development, globalization, and issues concerning the Caribbean, and authored the book SMART Futures for a Flourishing World: A Paradigm Shift for Achieving Global Sustainability (2021). Nelson has been a frontrunner placing the topic of social exclusion and diversity on the agenda of multilateral development assistance institutions. She actively works on projects bringing space research to African nations and was the first Jamaican woman to earn a Doctorate degree in an engineering discipline.

Dr Martin Elvis


Dr. Martin Elvis is an astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian. He has published nearly 500 papers that have been cited over 38,000 times. He publishes widely on asteroid and lunar resources and the space economy. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Member of the Aspen Center for Physics, and is past-Chair of the Hubble Space Telescope Users’ Committee and of the High Energy Division of the American Astronomical Society, and is co-chair of the International Astronomical Union working group on "Astronomy from the Moon". Asteroid 9283 Martinelvis is named after him. His book Asteroids: How love, fear, and greed will determine our future in Space was published by Yale University Press in 2021.

Sahba El-Shawa


Sahba is an interdisciplinary researcher, social entrepreneur, and sustainability advocate. She is Founder of the Jordan Space Research Initiative, which aims to bridge sustainable development with space exploration, and the Palestine Space Institute, a think tank devoted to decoupling space from the military-industrial complex. Sahba holds a BASc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, an MSc in Space Studies from the International Space University, and is now pursuing her PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change at IUSS Pavia in Italy. She is committed to creating opportunities for underrepresented communities in space and helping guide the space industry towards a more equitable, ethical, and sustainable future.


The new race to the Moon is on!

The US, Europe, China, Russia, India, Japan, commercial interests and the world turn their gaze toward creating a permanent lunar presence and altering an ancient and nearly pristine moonscape in the process, fulfilling a sci-fi fantasy over a century in the making.

Many environmentalists strongly critique using resources and polluting industries to leave Earth at this time of an accelerating climate crisis that requires all our attention.

Yet, most Space professionals consider themselves environmentalists, championing “To Space, for Earth!”

How do we reconcile these, and include more diverse perspectives representing humanity in order to proceed deliberately and sustainably with Lunar exploration and utilization?

Join the Conversation


For anyone enthusiastic or curious about the influence of Space on Earth, the Moon, or climate action.

  • Each Panel will have Q&A and open discussion afterwards.
  • There is a suggested donation to support production $0-$25.
  • Direct questions to HQ.
  • Register at anytime before or during the event to join the live sessions. Registration takes only one minute.
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